A lot ladies have caught the bug on securing their bag or getting their bag, which are terms used to refer to earning more money or attaining financial independence. As much as we have a lot of information on what it takes to earn more money or invest your money online, we usually don’t make the required changes or take the required action because of our mindset.

“To change your life, you must change your mindset”- Brad Turnbull

The first step to securing your bag or attaining financial independence so you can be soft and successful is to develop a rich girl mindset. This is a mindset of possibilities that would allow you attract the finances you desire.

Here are 5 ways to develop a rich girl mindset

  • Believe there is abundance in this world

The late Bob Proctor said; the only limit we place on ourselves is the limit we place on our minds. You need to believe there is abundance in this world to be able to attract abundance into your life. To start recognizing abundance, take a look at the vastness of the clouds, it just seems to fill the sky endlessly with no end in sight. You can also look at the Ocean, with water for miles and miles. If God can create such abundance, surely there is abundance of all the things you desire in this world.

You cannot receive abundance when you don’t believe there is abundance. Let go of any scarcity mindset and believe there is abundance in the world and you are on your way to tap into the abundance.

  • Change your vocabulary

Your mouth is an important tool to influence your mindset. When you speak, you send signals to your brain about what it should act on. When you speak negative words or words that expresses inability, your brain takes it as a signal to shut down.

However, when you speak positive words or ask questions to get you what you want, your brain springs into action to come up with ideas or solutions. Change your vocabulary from ‘I can’t afford it’ to ‘how can I afford it?’ This way, your brain begins to search for solutions to what you want.

  • Be grateful for your current financial situation

You have to approach your current financial circumstances from a position of gratitude. Whether it is positive or negative, because your current mindset and level of knowledge is what created your current financial circumstances. Oprah Winfrey says gratitude attracts more. ‘If you are thankful for what you have, you end up having more’. Even if you have made mistakes with your finances, express gratitude and from the place of gratitude, you can begin to work on attracting what you desire.

  • Visualization and visioning

When you are in a place of gratitude, you can begin to create visual images of what you want for your finances. Visioning is allowing what you desire come to you internally while visualizing is finding an external picture of what you want and imagining that you have it and how you feel about it. Images are very important because that what registers in your brain. So instead of saying you want X amount of money, you can visualize what you would use the money for. For example; if you want a certain amount of money to buy a car or a house, you can visualize owning the car or house and how you feel in that moment.

Napoleon Hill said; What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. When you spend time visioning and visualizing, you start to convince your mind about what is possible for you.

  • Scripting and affirmation

The final way to develop a rich girl mindset is to script the life you want as if you already have it. Write about the car you want in past tense and express what you love about the car and how it made you feel and what you enjoy about it. When you do this, your mind feels the same emotions you will feel when you actually have it. To take it a step further, you can repeat this script to yourself regularly as a form of affirmation.

When you practice these five things regularly, you will create new neural pathways in your mind and develop the rich girl mindset that sets you up to attract the financial resources you need.

Need help getting clarity on your finances and developing a financial blue print to attain a soft and successful life? You can sign up for a financial blueprint strategy session with me. Learn more HERE.