Adopting smart habits can help you get ahead in life. On the journey to financial independence and abundance, we can learn the habits that people have that have helped them get ahead. These are 5 smart habits rich people have that you can adopt. I have adopted most of these habits and they have helped me tremendously.

Negotiate to get a better price

You would think that rich people have so much money so they don’t need to negotiate, but you are wrong. They got rich by being smart and negotiating is one of the ways they do this. A car showroom manager said that when people walk into their showroom, he knows the person that can afford the car because they negotiate the price. He said that often times, people who have money always want to negotiate to get a better price. Don’t be ashamed to negotiate, the worse you can get is a no, the best you can get is a better price!

   Take advantage of cost saving deals

When you want to buy something, there might just be a deal for that item. You might say it’s a waste of time to look for deals, but we waste time doing mindless activities like scrolling on social media, why don’t you channel the same time to look for deals for items you want to buy? I have taken advantage of deals for my data plan, to shop on ecommerce stores and even to buy software. I always look out for a discount code to buy a product because if I could save a few extra bucks, why not? I listened to a lady on YouTube recently and she mentioned that people who earn over $100,000 were more likely to use coupons than people who earned around $30,000 and under. I was surprised, but obviously the higher earners want to maximize their money.

  Delay gratification

Delaying gratification is one thing that a lot of people find hard to do in this generation, but rich people practice this so they can get the best deals. I have heard of rich people who waited a few seasons to buy their dream car or wristwatch so they could get it at a better price. My brother likes a certain brand and he usually visits their store, identifies an item he wants to buy and saves towards it. Sometimes he finds out they would be on sale in a few months and waits for that time to buy the item at a better price. I have adopted a similar habit as I usually find out the price of the things I want ahead of time and start putting the money aside. I have also found out that when you delay gratification, you could get a better option or even a better deal.

Buy value not brand

Advertisers have made us brand conscious as we want to be seen wearing certain designer brands. While some brands are worth their salt, some others are over priced and what you are buying is just a brand name and not value. Smart rich people focus on buying value and not brand. I listened to a rich family recently talking about where they bought their clothing and I noticed they shopped in a variety of places from high street brands to custom made brands. I noticed they placed more emphasis on where they could get value for the items they were paying for. When you buy value, you would most likely enjoy durability.

Invest in knowledge and coaching to get ahead

Smart rich people bet on themselves. They invest in courses and coaches that would put them ahead of the pack. They know that they have to keep sharpening their edge and improving the quality of their lives if they want to keep making and keeping their money. I once heard Opray Winfrey say she had five coaches for different areas of her life! Since I learned this, I have prioritized investing in myself. This year, I have invested in four courses and coaches in various areas of my life to elevate my business, mindset, relationships and leadership. I learned that when you pay, you pay attention. Even though there is so much free information, rich people are intentional about learning from experts and invest in them.

That’s why I also offer financial blue print coaching sessions for people who want to intentionally have a plan to build wealth and create financially successful live. You can learn more and book a session HERE.

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Which of these habits will you be adopting? Or which other smart habit do you recommend that can make us richer? Do share in the comments.